About Us: My name is Stacy, I am a seahorse and I snack a lot. The reason I call myself a seahorse is that I chose to have my stomach removed to eliminate the much higher than average risk of gastric cancer due to an extremely rare genetic mutation (CDH1). Seahorses also don’t have stomachs so that’s why I relate. Because I don’t have a stomach I have to eat frequently, like every 2 hours all day, every day. Because I eat so frequently, I often get bored with eating the same thing over and over. I need lots of variety, protein and there are bonus points if I can eat them on the go. I made these snacks because I eat them. Nuts are a great source of protein and I learned I could make them extra delicious! This is my way of sharing my story and my love of food with people. I am providing healthy delicious snacks to other seahorses and non-seahorses alike. I hope you enjoy and keep snacking!
healthy delicious roasted nuts with unique and unusual flavors handmade by a seahorse