This contest has finished. Congratulations to the winning designer aipjune
Background information
Organization name
MyBricks Finance Ltd
Description of the organization and its target audience
Our target audience for this project is holders of our cryptocurrrency, the $BRICKS token. The majority of holders are currently from the building trade.
We are looking to secure a designer who can create our first set of Avatar NFT's. For this project we would like to design one of avatar so we can choose a winner for the rest of the designs at an agreed rate.
Avatar to be created: A builder
You can choose an animal to represent the trade or take a 'human' look.
When thinking of avatar NFT's, here is an introduction to give a flavour of what they are:
We would like our designs to be something trades professionals can recognise as a plumber, builder etc and use proudly on their social media accounts as their avatars.
The followup work (not part of this contest):
We will end up with 25-30 designs (different tradesmen etc) but please consider that for each design we want to offer around 10 variants, where the tools may be a different colour to signify different status/value or the background colour. This is important to consider when doing your design as elements need to be easily 'tweaked' across the collection of different trades (these will represent different statuses)
Our company values:
- Transparent
- Approachable
We can't wait to see you work and hope to find a great partner for this project.
Other notes
No files
Contest deliverables
1 x Digital design
Final files
Layered vectors
Screen quality
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.