Background information
App description
I have a website that provides temporary email service and I am planning to build a mobile app that provides the same functionality to my users.
The main feature of the website is that it provides temporary email addresses that the user could create with one click only. The addresses are temporary because the expire after an hour from the time of creation. Within the hour, the user can receive and view email messages sent to this address. The user can also delete the address at any time and he/she can replace it with a different address.
You can get inspiration from the website provided. All the feature should be included in the application.
Thats it.
I will be available for questions at any time.
Existing website
Visual style
Style/theme ideas
I would like first to have three screens:
1 - The main screen: Which the user can create an email from.
2 - The inbox screen: The page displayed when an email address is active with a list of received messages
3 - The message screen: The page that displays the email message
I would also like to monetize the application. Please consider that while designing the app.
(Note: The obvious way would be through advertising but I am open for ideas that would require in-app purchases)
Regarding colors:
No restrictions on colors. But bare in mind the website is now blue. But I am totally up for changing that in future, If a better color is suggested. Of course, you can also stick with blue.
Inspirational websites
Content details
App name
Screen descriptions
I would like first to have three screens:
1 - The main screen: Which the user can create an email from.
2 - The inbox screen: The page displayed when an email address is active with a list of received messages
3 - The message screen: The page that displays the email message
I would also like to monetize the application. Please consider that while designing the app.
(Note: The obvious way would be through advertising but I am open for ideas that would require in-app purchases)
Regarding colors:
No restrictions on colors. But bare in mind the website is now blue. But I am totally up for changing that in future, If a better color is suggested. Of course, you can also stick with blue.
I would love to see some creativity in designing the app. I am aiming at having a easy to use application that is better that the website.
Device type
What to avoid
Contest deliverables
3 x App screen design(s)
Final files
You will be required to provide either a PNG or a JPG file. Please check with the client to see if they have a preference.
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.