There are loads of options for training if you’re keen to enhance your digital skills, no matter what your background is. Do you want online, in-person, long-term, part-time, full-time, one-off? The choices are endless!
There are many free online course offerings on the market right now, like Coursera and edX. But these options require you to be self-motivated, and not paying for them means a huge drop-off rate for many students. On the other hand, in-person courses can get pricey, even if it means you’re more likely to show up and complete the course. Think of the money you spend on a course as an investment in yourself and ultimately your future, leading you to be the best version of yourself. What’s more important than that?
Benjamin Cranwell, a graduate of General Assembly’s full-time web development course, was in the army for 10 years. He lacked computer skills but decided to apply for the course anyway, and was accepted. He’s now a front-end web developer and says he’s “very satisfied, working at a great company. There are still daily challenges in all aspects of the job, but I have a good team around me to learn from”. He adds that he's never, at any moment, regretted the decision to take the course.