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Book cover for influential new business book
Business & Consulting
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Book publishing
Content details
I need a book cover for a 5 x 8" book.
This is a new business book by an accomplished author who has appeared in the Harvard Business Review and published several other books. The book has an interesting structure, with the first and last chapters telling the fictional story of a potential CEO who needs to learn how to manage a growing technology leader, and the middle chapters containing first-person guidance and perspective from the author.
The core of the book is the success matrix (see graphic attached below). I would like this to be featured on the cover. Either in the form of a sketch on a napkin, or as a nice 3D rendering [edit: I'd like the matrix to be redrawn. See the book cover at for an example]. I would like ultimately like variants with the boxes filled and with them unfilled, but for the sake of efficiency please submit your designs with the boxes filled -- we can un-fill them in the process of finalization.
The back cover should have room for an author photo and bio, and three endorsements.
Format: 5" x 8" (see attached template)
Title: The Success Matrix
Subtitle: Winning in Business and in Life
Author: Gerry Langeler
ISBN: 978-1-934899-19-9
Needed: Indesign CS 5.5 files
Other notes
Feel free to send designs trimmed to the final size, but please note that any graphics should extend to the bleed lines in your actual deliverable product.
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.