Title and author
What You Need to Know When Building a Custom Home
Shaun McFadden
Photo of the author
Author biography
My name is Shaun McFadden, and I am the CEO and co-founder of MN Custom Homes. During my career building hundreds of single-family homes, I’ve learned quite a bit about how to construct a top-quality home that delivers, and often exceeds, the homeowner’s vision of what their dream home can be. He loves being a positive influence in the lives of his company and has a big vision for MN and the products that flow out of it. Building mindful homes that inspire community.
Book description
Embarking on the journey of building your dream home? Author Shaun McFadden offers his valuable insights and guidance into the processes of building a luxury custom home. From the initial stages of curiosity to someone ready to jump all in, Building A Custom Home is an exceptional resource for those at any part of the homebuilding process. This book helps facilitate a developing awareness of all the facets throughout the process in order to provide more understanding and ease to an incredibly rewarding, yet complex project. You will leave with a fuller understanding of the language and process of building one of the most meaningful projects of your life.
Target audience
Those interested in building a custom home.
Physical book details
Book cover type
Don’t know yet
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
Front cover details
Back cover
- Blurb
Back cover details
- Title
- Author’s name
Spine details
Book publisher
Kindle Direct Publishing
Visual style
Design inspiration
Colors to explore

Other color requirements
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
Book size will most likely be 8.5x5.5
This is a "how to" guide for a luxury home building process from initial dream stages to full execution of home project.
Would love the branding to align with our MN Custom Homes brand (mncustom.com) but it is NOT an MN custom homes book.
What to avoid
No pictures. Artwork to be more abstract. Neutral pallet, modern luxury style. Our company font is Oswald.
Stock images
Contest deliverables
1 x Physical book cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.