
card 2015
Create stunning Mother's Day cards for Swiftly, awarding multiple winners!
Fun Kids Lunchbox Cards
Australia Institute Christmas Graphic Launched
Online Thanksgiving Dinner Invitation
Alerian 2014 Holiday Cards
Create a non religious Christmas card
Design a logo for "The singing sofa", a project that involves singing youngsters all over Europe
The Australia Institute has launched its first 2014 contest


Member since: October 11, 2013


"We ran a contest for a label and Mallory responded along with 12 other participants. Along the way we made some suggestions to the direction that ultimately ended in Mallory having the winning label. We were in need of two labels and ran another con..."
Profile pictureDkz787 reviewed over 8 years ago
"Creative designer. designs out of box. "
Profile picturemohammadbakkour reviewed almost 9 years ago
"great designer , highly recommended for creative designs"
Profile picturemohammadbakkour reviewed almost 9 years ago