
Create a book cover for "Sensitive and Thriving" giving parents inspiration and hope
Create a book cover for "Sensitive and Thriving" giving parents inspiration and hope
Tattoo - Piercing - Einmaliges E-Book
Create a cover for a nutrition book.
Old fashioned fun a whole new way - vertical banner needed ASAP
Old fashioned fun a whole new way - vertical banner needed ASAP
The Bondi Beach Diet - Book Cover


"LSDdesign is very pleasant to work with and does expert work on each project and is completely committed to the satisfaction of the customer and very responsive. I highly recommend this designer for your project. Thank you. "
Profile picturewellspokeninc reviewed 20 days ago
"Thank you so much. It's always a pleasure to work with you."
Profile pictureLSDdesign responded 20 days ago
"LSD was the only designer that read my brief thoroughly and complied with it. Most of the others used things I had clearly said I did not want on the cover of my book. Cartoon characters, obvious logos like the earth, recycle logo, etc. I think artists..."
Anonymous client reviewed 22 days ago
"Thank you very much, it was a pleasure working with you on your book."
Profile pictureLSDdesign responded 22 days ago
"It was great working with LSDdesign again! The excellent and timely work is what I’ve come to expect. Thank you for helping me reach the goal and deadline for this project. "
Profile picturewellspokeninc reviewed 5 months ago
"Excellent work!"
Profile picturetrentsimon6O reviewed about 1 year ago
"The book cover came out better than expected! Loved the spine design as well. She always goes above and beyond!"
Profile picturetrentsimon6O reviewed over 1 year ago